My series of Brigade Uniform Plates shows on each plate one unit of the armies of the Napoleon era. Main topic of the plates are the armies of the different German states at that time. Furthermore military units are presented, for which only very few pictures are available.

Purpose of the Brigade Uniform Plates is to focus widespread information collected from different literary sources for the those interested in military history and uniforms. For those who collect military figurines the plates are beneficial as they supply more information in a detailed manner as the painting instructions which are commonly attached to the figures. Thereby all questions concerning the accurate presentation of historic uniforms of the Napoleon era are answered. 

The plates show the soldiers in a schematic presentation similar to the historic paper soldiers of the 19th century. Each plate shows uniforms of the different ranks (including drummers, musicians etc.) as well as specific details like rank distinctions, horse equipment, flags and standards. 

The plates are printed on 150gramm DIN-A4 paper. Each plate is accompanied with additional explanations on a separate page (German text), which elaborates on the specific history of the military unit and their uniforms. Related sources from specialised literature are supplied too. 

Meanwhile most of the text sheets are translated into English. The released English texts are packed automatically with orders from abroad. My plan is to provide French translations in the future as well. 

The list of plates will be constantly extended. 
Peter Bunde 


List of plates